Goat Hair Tents

welcome1Made from pure goat hair (single layer) in a traditional style to reflect the old Bedouin tents used in the Arabian Peninsula for many centuries.


A development of the traditional old goat hair tent, it is stretched on a metallic structure composed of four layers:

  • First: goat hair.
  • Second: heat insulator.
  • Third: water insulation.
  • Fourth: interlining with a glass frontage.

Today these types of goat hair tents are widely used in modern homes and farms. Saudi and Gulf people enjoy having these tents so they can experience the way their ancestors used to live.

Contact Info

  • Address:
    P.O. Box 93979, Zip code 11683, Riyadh - Saudi Arabia
  • Tel: +966 11 270 3377
  • Fax:+966 11244 2178
  • Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Website: www.tamimistructures.com